Gadgets to Save Lives of 70 Thousand Mothers per Year
Mothers die due to various complications during childbirth
in the world. Especially, excess bleeding or blood pressure is one of the
reasons for maternal mortality. In developing countries, still 300 thousand
mothers die every year during childbirth. Doctors from different hospitals in
Britain have created a gadget that will help in solving these complications.
Before the baby is born, the device will be warned that the
mother will be in a vulnerable condition due to excessive bleeding. The Gadgets
have been created for different hospitals in Africa and remote areas of India
and Pakistan.
Where the chances of getting pregnant mother's healthcare
services are very low, health workers of those areas can use this gadget to
take care of their mothers more accurately. If the blood pressure of the baby
is excessive, then the gadget will give it signals. As a result, it would be
possible to provide proper treatment to the hospital.
Scientists have named the device Microlife Vital Signs Alert
(VSA). Its price is $ 20. It can be activated by mobile phone chargers.
Andrew Chenan led the team of scientists. King's College
professor of London said, "Using this gadget can reduce maternal mortality
rate by 25 percent. That means, it can be possible to save about 70 thousand
mothers lives per year by this gadget.”
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has contributed $ 1
million to build this gadget for the developing world. Last month, two and a
half thousand instruments were supplied to hospitals in Pakistan, Mozambique,
India and Nigeria. Besides, The United States has ordered more than five
thousand devices for Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.
Medical gadgets helps a lot in saving lives on many peoples. Thanks for sharing such a informative post, I really like the whole post Keep sharing. I have found some amazing information on NewsWatch TV about latest technology health gadgets check it out.